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Consulting Services
When our customers invest in technology, they expect to gain access to the right information faster, create a more productive work environment, and build a bigger market share. How our customer manages and uses information could be the one factor that will determine failure or success.
We find it important to build a bridge of common language between ourselves and business executives to demonstrate how investments in our technology solution benefits the business. This framework ensures that the IT projects are aligned with the specific business strategies and priorities, and that all stakeholders are committed to both the process and the final results.
Technology benefits to the business can be difficult to quantify, but that doesn't mean it can be ignored. We show our customer that we understand their business goals and problems. We explain how our technology solution will address each problem.
Understanding the Business
We will listen to you to establish a clear map to achieve a common perspective of what really drives your business and its investments. We identify the key stakeholders, the critical success factors, the strategy to achieve them, and the key performance indicators that determine success.
Understanding the Solutions
We work with the business decision maker to identify ways of applying technology solutions to increase alignment with the organization's business goals.
Understanding the Benefit/Cost Equation
While it is easy to cost out a project, it is often difficult to put the benefit into quantifiable terms for you, the customer. For example, a Windows 2000 Professional and Office 2000 upgrade improves the reliability and functionality of your employees. It will result in a 10 percent cost reduction in system management and support. It will also help the employees to be 15 percent more productive. All of these benefits help employees work faster and better, thus making more money for your business.
Understanding the Risks
It is important to identify benefits and costs, but it is just as important to live up to your expectations as the business decision maker. Accurately profiling the potential risks of an IT investment can help avoid pitfalls by identifying various forms of risk, developing risk mitigation solutions, and adjusting the estimates of benefits and costs accordingly.
Understanding the Financial Metrics
We talk to the business decision maker to identify the impact of the proposed IT investment in financial terms. We also apply the same terms that the company's financial advisor or accountant uses to present the business case for any investment.
The core premise of our framework is that we are "business-centric" and drive to align business priorities and IT investments. Each step is articulated in the language of the business, so business executives clearly understand the tangible impact of the IT initiatives and gain a greater understanding and appreciation for the strategic implications of IT investment.